REAL ESTATE Agents, Brokers & TeamS

Grow your business with 1031s

Deferred is partnering with one agent team per market across the US to grow the world’s leading 1031 Exchange platform together with your business

Partnership opportunities available in
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Convert More Sellers

Get 1031 Leads

Earn $10k+ per Referral


Unique benefits for Founding Agents

Your Referral Split


Exchange Amount
Assumes forward exchange funds held for 120 days at interest rates as of August 28, 2024
Thanks for the numbers, they could be going to your emails. But they're going to mine... Thanks ;D
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Earn meaningful income from each 1031 referral

Get a 15% referral fee and 5% of other agent referrals that come from your network while your clients get a best-in-class 1031 platform and experience.

Convert more leads with our agent tools

Boost your sales conversion with powerful, personalized tools designed to help you guide and convert more 1031 sellers.

COMING Q4 2024

Maximize your exposure & leads from Deferred

Grow your client base with motivated 1031 Exchange sellers from and our network of CPA, Wealth Advisor, Attorney and Platform partners.

Why Deferred

What your clients get

Deferred has partnered with Accruit to deliver the best 1031 platform in the industry

No Fees

We use software and automation to operate more efficiently, passing the savings to you.

Earn Interest

Unlike other Qualified Intermediaries, we set up a dedicated, interest-bearing account and share earnings with you.

5 Attorneys & 1 CPA on Staff

Our team has a collective 200+ years of 1031 exchange experience and can navigate any situation with ease.

Total Security of Funds

Your funds are fully protected with segregated accounts and FDIC insurance.

Unlimited Tax Support

Receive unlimited, tailored tax optimization advice to maximize your 1031 exchange benefits.

Manage Everything Online

Get started online and oversee your 1031 exchange digitally, from start to finish, with ease.

Feel confident you’re partnering with the best

$8 Billion
Exchanged to Date
40+ Years
Exchange Experience
Surety Bond & E&O Coverage
5-Star BBB Rating
Schedule Intro CallClaim Your Market
Deferred 1031 Services LLC in partnership with Accruit