Key Industry

[kee IN-duh-stree]

What is the definition of Key Industry?
An industry of primary importance to a nation's economy, often critical for its infrastructure, economic stability, and growth.
Using Key Industry in an Example

The technology sector is often considered a key industry in many developed countries due to its significant contribution to GDP and its role in driving innovation and employment.

Using Key Industry in a sentence

During the economic briefing, the minister emphasized the importance of supporting the key industries to ensure sustainable growth and competitive advantage internationally.

Related Terms

Keogh Plan

A qualified retirement plan for self-employed individuals or unincorporated businesses, also known as an HR 10 plan, which allows for tax-deferred contributions and potential tax deductions.

Key Employee

In the context of top heavy plans, a key employee is defined as 1) an officer of the employer earning more than $130,000; 2) an individual who owns more than 5 percent of the employer; or 3) an individual who owns more than 1 percent of the employer and has compensation greater than $150,000.

Key Person Insurance

A type of business-owned life insurance contract that is taken out on the lives of principal officers or essential employees of a company, providing guaranteed death benefits to the company and potentially accumulating a cash surrender value.


Kiting is a fraudulent banking practice involving the issuance of checks from an account without sufficient funds, with the expectation that deposits will clear before the checks are processed. This practice exploits the float time between the check being written and its clearance. Kiting can also refer to manipulating the face value of a check or inflating stock prices through deceptive trading strategies.

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