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1031 Qualified Intermediary

Mission Bank 1031 Exchange, LLC

Mission Bank 1031 Exchange, LLC, headquartered in California, is a subsidiary of Mission Bancorp specializing in facilitating Section 1031 property exchange transactions nationwide. They focus on tax-deferred exchanges under IRC Section 1031, allowing investors to defer taxes when reinvesting in similar properties. The company ensures the security of deposits by holding them in FDIC-insured banks and maintaining each transaction in a segregated account with detailed monthly statements. They require signed authorization for wire transfers to guarantee the safety and availability of funds. Mission 1031 Exchange complies with all IRS regulations and offers consultations with attorneys or financial advisors at no extra cost. Despite claiming membership in the Federation of Exchange Accommodators (FEA) and adherence to their code of ethics, it is noted that they are not actually members of the FEA.

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Services & Pricing

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Forward Exchange


Improvement Exchange


Reverse Exchange


Coverage Area

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Who works at Mission Bank 1031 Exchange, LLC?
Karen A. Clemans
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Business Info

Not all of the information below was verifiable. Are you the business owner?

Verified by Deferred

We have verified this information with the business directly.

Not Verified by Deferred

The business has not claimed their profile and verified their information.

CES Certified

This business is a member of the Certified Exchange Specialists organization.

CES Certified

It's not clear if this business is a member of the Certified Exchange Specialists.

Exchanges Completed

Number of verified exchanges performed by the business.

Exchanges Completed

It is unclear how many 1031 exchanges this business has completed.

Years of Experience

Number of years Mission Bank 1031 Exchange, LLC has been in business.

Years of Experience

It is unclear how long Mission Bank 1031 Exchange, LLC has been in business.

E&O Insurance

The amount of Errors & Omissions insurance coverage this business maintains.

E&O Insurance

It is unclear if this business has Errors & Omissions insurance or how much coverage they maintains.

Surety Bond

The amount of Surety Bond coverage this business maintains.

Surety Bond

It is unclear if this business has a surety bond or how much coverage they maintain.


What People Ask Mission Bank 1031 Exchange, LLC

Where is Mission Bank 1031 Exchange, LLC located?
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