(225) 752-1031
Title Exchange Company LLC, headquartered in LA, is associated with Bill Hyde, who is the senior partner at Hyde Law Firm, owner of Hyde Title Company, and General Counsel of Title Exchange Company. Bill Hyde has a strong educational background with a Juris Doctor degree from Tulane Law School and a Masters in Accounting from Louisiana State University. His career includes significant teaching roles at Louisiana State University, focusing on business law and real estate, and he has designed numerous continuing education programs. Hyde has also been active in the real estate law sector, founding Baton Rouge Title Company and serving as President of the Louisiana Land Title Association. Despite his extensive involvement in real estate and legal education, it is noted that he is not a member of the Federation of Exchange Accommodators.
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Forward Exchange
Improvement Exchange
Reverse Exchange
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It's not clear if this business is a member of the Certified Exchange Specialists.
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It is unclear how many 1031 exchanges this business has completed.
The amount of Errors & Omissions insurance coverage this business maintains.
It is unclear if this business has Errors & Omissions insurance or how much coverage they maintains.
The amount of Surety Bond coverage this business maintains.
It is unclear if this business has a surety bond or how much coverage they maintain.